There’s a new way to find Stock Free Images in 2018. It’s done by Google.
To put it simply you can use Google’s Image Search to now search for images that are free and labelled for commercial re-use. It searches through popular sites such as Pixabay and Pexels as well as going into Wikipedia and other sites you may have not even heard of yet.
Please be aware though that each site and/or image will have their own license. A good rule of thumb is that if it is CC0 (Creative Commons 0) then it’s good to go for you to do whatever you want to do with it.
How do you search for Stock Free Images with Google.
- Start off by searching in Google and then switching it to “Images”
- In the toolbar just below where you search theres a button called “Tools”. Select this and it will display more options to filter your search.
- In the new Toolbar you will find “Usage Rights”. Select this and find Labelled for Reuse with Modification.
- Now your Image Search will show Stock Free Images.
![Adjusting Google Image results](assets/uploads/GoogleImage_1.png)
Here is an example of a Stock Free Image Search Result by selecting a Google Image relating to Bears with the above Tool Filter:
![Description of Google Image Search Result](assets/uploads/GoogleBearImageSearch.jpg)
Some notes:
- By selecting any Images in the “Related Images” section in your Google image you will be taken out of your search filters and the image may be subject to copyright and different license agreements.
- Wikipedia / Wikimedia Images are mostly subject to Author Attribution (IE You must credit the author of the photo). -
- If you follow this advice, Radian Web cannot be held responsible if you find an image without reading the Licensing Agreement on the site prior to using it. Please always read the Licensing Agreement prior to displaying or using the image.
- If no Licensing Agreement can be found it is best not to use the image.